
The word “chakra” means “disc” or “wheel” in Sanskrit and refers to our body energy centres. These spinning energy wheels or discs match up to specific nerve clusters and major organs.

Your Chakras must remain open, or balanced, in order to function optimally. If one of them becomes blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms associated with that Chakra.

This includes your organs, bones, joints, and tissues near that area.

Too much stress, whether physical or mental, can cause one or more Chakras to become out of balance.

Along your spine, there are seven major Chakras. They begin at the base of your spine and extend to the top of your head.


How you can benefit from Chakras Balancing?


To benefit from Chakras Balancing, simply sit for 30 minutes on a chair or sofa with your feet on the floor and your spine as straight as possible, the top of your head pointing to the sky, and your palms on your knees facing upwards.

During the process you may feel numerous sensations and emotions as a result of the unfreezing of energy centres that bring to the surface all the toxins that are no longer required in the body. All you have to do is to keep calm and observe how your body reacts. You may fall asleep during the process or afterwards. Everything is normal. Just remember to drink plenty of water. It helps you in case you feel dizzy but also it helps in grounding.

The Chakras are balanced with the assistance of Universal Heavenly Energy. This delicate energy will always serve our highest good.