Energy Clearing


Everything, including you, is made of energy and has its own distinctive vibration.

The intensity of this energy ranges from light to dark. Light energy is limitless, graceful, and based on love. Dark or shadow energy is thick and fear-based. You attract experiences and relationships that match your frequency as an electromagnetic being.

We are in the presence of a dense vibrational energy whenever we encounter a difficult problem, dispute, or decision. We have an option in how we respond in these situations. We can move closer to the light by learning from the challenge and transmute that dense energy into higher-vibration energy. Or we can be enslaved by our pain.

Our aura is made up of our psychic energy body.

Auras can be seen or felt by some people, but everybody, irrespective of knowledge and understanding, perceives them through sensory receptors in the shoulders and hips.

We may not realise it, but when we’re around somebody with an especially bright aura, we seem to to be far more friendly and engaging. We tend being more guarded when we’re around someone else with a particularly dark aura. Things are more weird when we are around someone that has a guarded or retracted aura.

Obviously it depends on your temperament and personality, but you may be susceptible to other people’s energy and may even absorb some of it. People who internalise other people’s problems frequently absorb the energy they have been exposed to.

This could be risky if the person is unaware of this fact and does not take steps to cleanse their energy.

As a consequence, you may experience :

  • Stress, anxiety, irritability, impatience, and even develop a negative attitude toward the world.
  • Your immune system may also suffer, making you more susceptible to illness.
  • You get sick far too frequently and are constantly irritated and tense.
  • You are unable to eat or sleep, and your body and mind appear to be in a constant state of depression and despair.


If you relate to all the above symptoms and signs, it may be necessary to clean your aura.

You should feel a sense of lightness and release after your energy field and your space is cleaned. You might notice that the space is brighter or that moving around in it is easier.

You will notice a significant improvement in your mood and be able to relax your body and mind.

In order to receive the energy clearing you need to find a comfortable place to sit for about 30 minutes at the established time. You can sit on a chair or on the sofa with your feet on the floor. It is important to keep your spine as straight as possible, your head tilted towards the sky and your palms on your knees.