

Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing.

‘Rei’ means omnipotent and omniscient or universal – present everywhere at the same time. ‘Rei’ means spirit, divine awareness, or soul, the all-knowing wisdom of God, the Divine, or the spiritual energy.

‘Ki’ is a Japanese word that means “life force” or “life energy.” All living things live because of their non-physical vitality.

Reiki is, therefore, “spiritually guided life force energy or Universal Life Force’’.

Reiki methods are simple yet powerful, and the results can be astounding. It does not interact with medical treatments, has no negative side effects, and is appropriate for all of us.

This is basically the power source of the Universe – the energy that creates up the earth and each of our trillion cells. This is neither positive nor negative; rather, it is life’s highest and most profound vibration.

Its divine origin allows us to become one with all that is alive in our universe. And we can use its innate wisdom to reestablish the body’s natural energy flow and boost our own natural self-healing skills.

The flow of the universal life force is controlled by seven major energy centres in the body. They are known as Chakras.

So every chakra is in charge of supplying energy to different parts of the body. When they become obstructed or blocked, the body becomes ill and the flow of energy becomes watered down.

A complete Reiki treatment reopens the chakras and rebalances the flow of universal life force throughout the body.

Reiki was developed by the Buddhist Mikao Usui also known as Usui Sensei.

Usui stated to have first felt Reiki energy after three weeks of fasting and meditation on Mount Kurama, Japan’s sacred mountain. Despite the fact that he was starving and on the verge of death from fasting, the burst of intense healing energy gave him a sense of vitality and awareness that he had never felt before.

‘’ Reiki is love. Love is wholeness. Balance is well-being. Well-being is freedom of disease.’’ (Mikao Usui).


How is Reiki administered?


If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki treats the whole person, including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects, including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.

The Reiki energy always knows what is best for us, and we must allow it to do its work with no expectations or goals in mind. Allow Reiki to do its work! The Universal Life Force always knows what is best for all involved, and it is this energy that unveils the miraculous power of Reiki.

The Reiki therapist is an open channel to energy and the one receiving Reiki treatment takes that energy and does whatever it needs with it.

Among the most incredible aspects of Reiki is that the Reiki symbols hold an ancient healing energy with its own natural intelligence.


Health benefits of Reiki


  • reduced stress and increased relaxation
  • better sleep and improved insomnia symptoms
  • improved mood and emotional well-being
  • for people with cancer, improved anxiety and pain management
  • for people with lower blood pressure, those undergoing surgery, anxiety and pain rates.


What happens during a Reiki session?


During the Reiki session, the practitioner will gently move her hands just above/close to the client’s body in several positions.

Each hand position focuses on a different part of the body — including the head, shoulders, stomach, and feet — and is held for roughly 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the person’s needs. There is very little to no talking during sessions, which typically last  60  minutes. An essential piece is the Reiki practitioner’s presence and state of being, whose training also includes ways to support their own “grounding.”

As Reiki energy has a way of naturally flowing to the area of the body where it is most needed, no two Reiki treatments will be the same.

The clients are recommended wearing loose and comfortable clothing for the session.

During a Reiki session, the client can experience the following: coldness, tingling, increased warmth or even colours. It is normal to even fall into a light sleep.

Reiki stimulates the relaxation response and the clients often feel as it they have had several hours of sleep after just one session.

Reiki treatment can be done either face to face or the practitioner can send healing energy remotely on a day&time agreed with the client.

’’Reiki is the greatest secret in the science of energetics’’.(Hawayo Takata)


Is Reiki Dangerous?


There are no dangers in undergoing Reiki.

Reiki has no harm and has no side effects.


Distant Reiki


Distant Reiki entails the practitioner sending energy to the client over any distance. Distant healing has been shown to be just as effective as in-person Reiki. Therefore you can receive Reiki even if you are staying at home.